Alex is Danny, Larry is Tom Chisum, Healy is Principle McGee...
Alex is Danny, Larry is Tom Chisum, Healy is Principle McGee...
I think Red is Rizzo and Nicky is Kenickie. (or the other way around?) Although their relationship is not romantic; it is pretty emotionally driven and both carry this perfectly salted vibe about them. Too cool yet highly sensitive.
I actually went through the whole cast in my head and there is a match for almost every character. (sandy-> def piper)
Does anyone think that her character (or acting) was sort of inspired by Didi Conn as Frenchy? The voice especially but theres something sweet and slightly frantic about her too. Aaaaand she's kinda the beauty gal on the block.
Do update!
Haha... So I'm literally sitting on a million dollar idea?!
Close! It's actually just broken in sweatpants with a missing drawstrings that both the husband and wife can wear.
It's called The Matrimony Gap...
Hmm good to know. I actually am not a mother but I do have this weird thing for reading message board threads for jobs/industries/illnesses and such that I do not have a part in or don't really relate to. It's an incredibly good way to understand groups that you aren't a part of. (i could read ambulance driver…
This BabyCenter world you speak of intrigues me... Dare I go or will I never return?
It can't be right, can it? I feel like most dads who never change the diapers would at least change one or two in their time and say, "oh ya, check that box. I changed a diaper last month..." But no diaper changes at all?
Who are these shitsack dads that say they are not responsible for their child's emotional well being???
Re: Khloe...I read it as "he is maybe just using her for frame."
I think it speaks to the original picture in the post. At the most simple and watered down version of it- we should defend imagery of women that are confident.
I love how mom here looks like she's checking someone out. Like totally nbd.
she looks to be holding an empty grocery bag. I like the normalcy vibe here...
please do it and report back!
oooh how I love ANY new idea that works in favor of servers making more.
WHOA. I cannot begin to imagine my grandfather addressing this. Like at all. And lobster! haha...sort of class move there but who would "do anything" for that?
haha as long as you don't take a picture in the plains of texas with him, i'm cool with it.