Yester: Then For Now

People have mentioned Aqib Talib and now can cite Revis. However, they forget that Jean Laffite was the first Buccaneer to become a Patriot.

I'm an MLS enthusiast, but it remains eternally frustrating to follow, if only because there's so little to follow. The NFL et al are discussed and disseminated in virtually every media outlet in the country, and even non-fans tend to have a cursory awareness of the goings on just by the sheer media saturation. When I

This gives me hope that Deadspin will run the 18,000 word article I wrote about the time the fascist Nazis at O'Dooligan's Irish Bar & Grill DQ'd me from the Thursday Night Nineball tournament on the flimsy pretext of having my foot slightly off the ground when I shot the winner, when really it was all about how

So you sneeringly dismiss the quality of soccer and the league structure, and then you give the *fans* a hard time for being snobs? Oooh Kaaay.

I'd imagine that Upper Deck is pretty displeased. I mean, when you sign Ken Griffey, Jr., who expects a sullen, disappointing performer who runs a lot less than he used to?

In Soviet Russia, medal gives you!

Alternate translation: *sad trombone*

Counterpoint: you are wrong. A player being able to go as much as they want after the first three is bad ass and adds a ton of narrative to an otherwise "coinflip" situation.


Um...not to go off topic, but this definitely does not look like what it's trying to portray... (at least to me...)

At this point, how can I believe there is even a Winter Olympics?

Somebody murdered my brother. Now, I'm seeking vengeance the only way I know how: by taking local businesses to task for not salting the stairs out front of their establishments and putting the health and safety of their customers at risk. Have you been hurt in a fall? Fuckin' call me, bra.

I think the conspiracy goes a bit higher than NBC.

Looks like someone's trying to get in on the lucrative punting/First Amendment game.

...pic not related?