“Fallen to the Communists” (h/t The IT Crowd)
“Fallen to the Communists” (h/t The IT Crowd)
It’s the difference between punching up and punching down. EVERYTHING is made for white, straight, cis men. So they don’t have to rally their communities around anything, because it’s all just...theirs. By default.
I don’t care if they make baked potato yogurt, I am not down with Greek yogurt. Give me full fat plain yogurt from a reputable dairy and I’ll use it in any dish I can. But you can all keep your garbage yogurt and its acid whey byproduct.
My best friend in college was scary as hell. She was a terror in platform Mary Janes, confrontational in all her…
idk if its really about wanting to hear them speak, more like its important to not live in an ideological vacuum
As a female screenwriter, I am so pissed off that they signed Sorkin for a LUCILLE BALL biopic. I mean, if they were gonna hire a male screenwriter for this, they could at least fucking pick one that can write women well. Seriously, a Cate Blanchett-starring Lucille Ball biopic could have been a career-maker for a…
it’s a little ironic that on an article about poehler making a statement about misogyny and women not being taken seriously in sports, that you are commenting on her hair color.
A good server senses the mood of the whole table, and if people seem unhappy/bored/ready for the next thing, the server will try to please them. This is an effort to be considerate. It is the job of your companions to decline ordering dessert until you are ready also. They are rude to accept right away, or pile their…
I’m someone who’s really tried to go the non-anti-perspirant route, even though research on the safety of antiperspirants is pretty up in the air tbh, but when it’s not the dead of winter I just can’t do it. I hate having visible sweat on my clothes, smelly or otherwise.
I’m someone who’s really tried to go the non-anti-perspirant route, even though research on the safety of…
The absolute citywide tragedy and outpouring of pain all over the streets in Baltimore last night was another…
The Flag Code has been ruled by SCOTUS to be unenforceable. It’s an etiquette guideline, not punishable law.
....I like Target's sports bras. Not the padded or underwired ones, the most basic ones on the shelf just made of elastic-y fabric in a bazillion colors that go from XS-XXL. Unfortunately, I can only wear a specific cut of it that doesn't come out every year, but when I do see the seamless variety on that display…
....I like Target's sports bras. Not the padded or underwired ones, the most basic ones on the shelf just made of…
“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough”
This is the foreplay equivalent of every "nice guy" ever.
Carmex original. http://www.amazon.com/Carmex-Lip-Bal…
Carmex original. http://www.amazon.com/Carmex-Lip-Bal…
I am voting for Hillary over any Republican dipshit, but I have my reservations, and this entire revelation concerning the way she used her e-mails is just so baffling from such an supremely intelligent, shrewd, and hardened political veteran who has been targeted for "crimes" by Republicans before. Just seems so…