
Whats even more bizarre about this is that Fredrick Douglass is one of like, 6 black people who you learn about in public school (along with Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, MLK, Chrispus Attucks and Dred Scott). Most 8th graders could probably tell you that Douglass isnt exactly a contemporary figure.

Damnit, you’re right. Sorry about that - I was having a crabby day. I spose we all were!

No, I’m not misunderstanding the point of protesting through strike. As I said, I fully understand and support it - but, I would be lying to you if I said I wouldn’t be fairly annoyed by it if it meant I couldn’t get home after a long trip. Not sure what hot take you’re finding in that statement.

sure ok.

The AVN Awards is a gathering of professionals who take pride in what they do and have every right to do so. Shaming porn stars, sex workers — anyone in the sex industry for that matter — is wrong and has no place here. And we can discuss Melania Trump without slut-shaming her; that is never appropriate. Thanks.

Circlejerk is my preferred term for this patting-ourselves-on-the-back-for-liberalness attitude.

I agree. There are plenty of sound reasons to reject Uber, but dropping surge pricing at the airport has to be one of the weakest since the motives are ambiguous at best

The disallowing of texts and calls while driving would seem to increase safety for both passengers and drivers. Kudos to them. 🌿

Agreed. “Delete Uber!” is the kind of bullshit (and easy) thing that someone can do in order to crow on social media and feel good for a minute. But in the big picture, it is meaningless.

As you said, Uber is and has always been a shittily minded company and if the number of limply investigated crimes against passengers and poor treatment of drivers hasn’t been enough to force you to delete it to date, certainly do it now.

Looking forward to her next article about self congratulatory white women disingenuously attending BLM protests.

And you’re nothing if not contemptuous of every woman who comments on this site

You guys are nothing if not predictable.

Agreed. Super not into shitting on the newcomers for what they haven’t previously done.

It’s been two fucking days since the march. Can they live? I’ve seen nothing but links and articles like this since Saturday. Damn - chill out. People are trying to educate themselves and make their next moves.

It’ll never ever get anywhere in today’s climate, because you’ll all be too busy arguing over who is the MOST oppressed, and shitting all over the people you feel are stealing attention from YOUR oppression.

Problem is, that fringe element has a habit of getting LOUD, especially in liberal spaces. The breakdown I’ve seen in my various online hangouts has been about 2/3s good, calm critique like this article and 1/3 “fuck you [group I consider too privilaged to have been in the march]” sorts of things. That 1/3 is not

Honestly I wonder if this isn’t endemic to the left. Our biggest strength - a diversity of viewpoint - seems to always turn into our biggest weakness - a lack of cohesion.

I was thinking the same thing. Now that the protest is over, we can get back to competing over our places in the self-righteous privilege-checking hierarchy again. Let the over-reading of statements begin!

I do tend to see a hell of a lot of bitching and yelling at people who are just trying to help though, especially around here.