
Thanks! Where does one get those? I live in California so assume it shouldn’t be too challenging..?

Haha seriously. There’s also the anticipation / fear of what my cramps do eventually turn into - like the first day of my period is uncomfortable and sort of painful, but I can live. But, having had my period for 20 years now, I KNOW what days 1.5 - 2.5 will bring, and it’s like I’m just trying to prevent that

Sadly the pill (I’ve tried three over the last 10 years) is a considerable nightmare for me. Unmanageable mood swings, massive weight gain, and worst of all, excessive and extended bleeding on 2 of the 3 (like... had my period, WITH cramps, for 15 days in a row.) I think about the IUD off and on but worry about

Weed would be great if I could somehow line my period up with days/ times I didn’t have to go to work or drive :)

My situation was super similar - often feeling like I should take something with the slightest flicker of pain. Once the ulcer was diagnosed, I was given a short term prescription to reduce acid production in my stomach and allow it to heal. I have mostly avoided NSAIDs since (save for the worst 12 hours of my

I got a major ulcer from consistently taking too much advil for too many years to treat my intense cramps. i don’t have a great alternative, but just FYI

i was born and raised in NYC, left for LA when I was 27. this is very well said and very, very true. but remember, you’re talking to a lot of people who are still within the grasp of the moth / flame mystique.

regahdless, jezebel butthurt AF

My boyfriend drove for uber for almost 2 years, and I can confirm that is not true in the least. The average driver drives under 15 hours a week.... which ~ equivalent to a 2 day work week. He worked retail 4 days a week and fit in uber hours whenever he had time. Between the 2 jobs, he paid off over $20k debt he’d

Well, I do think there’s a marked difference between penalizing drivers for declining rides (meaning, they’re clocked into Uber’s system and not accepting any rides) vs. not working for the day or a given period of time. To me that’s analogous to any IC showing up to work for the hours they determined, and then not

Uber puts 0 expectations on anyone. An uber driver can work for 8 minutes if he wants to.

THIS, so much. I find the expectation that Uber should be providing people with dream jobs to be extremely bizarre and superbly wrong.

Agree. I think that’s the main use case in cities where the majority of people need to own cars.

I agree with this on a macro level. This person has very basic b taste and a loose to zero understanding of fashion.

Why do you feel like acknowledging someone else’s oppression minimizes your own pain or oppression?

Go to work and acknowledge the challenges you face without your female colleagues. Did a deal take longer to get done? Were you covering for 8 nurses at your hospital? Did you simply have no one to gossip with? ACKNOWLEDGE the importance of women in the workplace, how much more difficult it was for you to do your

i. hate. this. show.

I replied to you because you implied extenuating circumstances / “Addl context not mentioned” leading to the sheriff’s / jail staff’s behavior that ultimately resulted in a woman giving birth in a prison cell. I was confused as to why you thought it wasn’t believable that a poor woman would be treated like garbage

It’s always so strange to me how people have such a hard time believing that 1. law enforcement officials have often chosen their professions specifically because it allows for abuse of power and 2. how unjustly and poorly women - especially poor women - are treated in this society.

Guarantee the sheriff and every one of his staffers is anti-choice. Lest we forget the pro-life movement is about stifling and controlling women, not about babies.