
Headphones, shades and knowing exactly where you're going are key when dealing with Penn Station.

"Sullen wench"

I knew it! Well… I thought it briefly, but then got so caught up in that amazing episode that I'd forgotten all about my initial assumption.

Wait… Were there no random, unnecessary "USA!" chants in this one? All of that effort Eric put into this was wasted then

Just realized that the whole thing is on Hulu. Not sure how long it's been there but obviously I'm going to have to watch the whole thing now. All kinds of childhood memories and what not.

Ray = ma'am lol. Yeah, we all needed that. Also, the first stray observation (how good they all work together without actually recording together) was my first takeaway from the episode even towards the beginning. Part of me was thinking that maybe for the bottle episode that they were able to get the entire cast in

I always take it as a good sign for the show when I hear about people still getting into the show. Better late than never.

Through five seasons of this show, I still have yet to pick a favorite episode. Good list though. As my own personal bonus episode I'd throw in that one where Britta's Marvel vampire-hunting ex comes to town and Troy's feelings for her become more apparent than ever. The way they set that up through the episode was

Wait, there are other timelines?

I saw him in a live show a couple months ago and he was talking about some "Jobs" show. Is that the same one you're referring to?

The Penn and Grand Central station comparisons were great. Definitely feel what Lincoln was feeling when he stopped in awe of Grand Central. Makes you wonder, with Penn's proximity to major landmarks and tourist attractions, why is it such a shithole?

Hannibal has been a busy guy for a minute now. I'm hoping that means that he just goes with the flow of things and can still do Broad City and the other two shows he's on without any problems. I still haven't checked out Chozen, so I don't know if I should worry about that. Keeping fingers X'ed that he keeps doing his

Lol at the image enhance one 😁😁😁😁

Crocodile attack scene had me dying 😅😅😅😂😂😂😂🐊🐊🐊

I was so waiting for that during that little standoff.


Questlove, you're not in the house.

Wait, The winter Olympics are still a thing?

Was extremely happy to see Coat Check Girl. Her character has a great energy.

loved the airboat rental guy. did not realize he was saying the word "reserved" at all until Archer repeated it. plus the "Now both my dogs is dead." line was classic.