
Boy sometimes you guys come across like a bunch of angry losers. Makes for some real shitty reading.

So whining about another bloggers point of view

I would like to nominate Peter Angelos as the worst owner in all of sports.

USA Today did a similar kind of article right down to citing Concussion. Maybe these guys should check out the box office numbers and understand next to no one saw that movie.

Jesus just give a the games a score your writing about video games for fuck sakes, Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

Yeah bullshit Ben always over plays his injuries, So every game he plays he is Willis Reed. Its old and annoying at this point. But whomever is calling the game always fawns over it and talks about it the whole game. Did you guys also hear he called a teammate out on a radio show last week.

What drunk asshole at a football game, This is news

Love playing fanduel for the NBA 2-5 dollar nightly tournaments has gotten me back into caring about the NBA. Put in $20 dollars over 5 months ago and haven’t need to deposit anymore. Highly recommend it

Team may suck but some of those guys make for great nightly fanduel players

Bob Ryan is retired? Then why do I have to see his yellow mustard stainded teeth on ESPN all the time.

No Giants fan at all but a hell of a run 2 Titles

What beaches? Asking for a friend