Elizabeth Parker

I disagree, I saw this at the Cinetopia festival (Ann Arbor) last weekend and enjoyed it. Not an "A" grade, but worthy of a B or B+, IMO.

Thanks for including the Sandy quote, I could not figure out what that last word was, for some reason.

I agree - I wasn't a huge fan of this last episode. Bachelor Party ep was much funnier. I will say that last scene was pretty heartbreaking though.

I'm liking the show so far. It's funny and the jokes are on point (her changing her email to was one of the best). I'll continue to tune in.

Anyone else recognize him from the show Twisted? Which apparently is now canceled :(.

I thought I was going to like Matt McGorry, since I'm an OITNB fan, but turns out his character is actually sort of a douche, lol. Wes is okay.