
Time to get on high horses boys, I’m outraged, How dare they,

Awful idea go somewhere where your going to play not sit on a bench for years

Why the fuck would anyone write this kind of article this is pathetic

Why is deadspin filled with nonsports stories today, We get it the Gawker writers had to land somewhere when that place went in the shitter but this just stupid now.

He’s just a shitty QB lets leave it at that

Going to be fun to see who throws money at Bautista this offseason. A guy on the downside of his career and alot more trouble then he’s worth. I’m guessing a one year deal in Miami.

Yes more commercials and time wasting is just what the NFL needs.

Who gives a fuck what Mo Vaughn thinks on any subject

That place looks awesome and since I’m not a Texas resident I don’t give a shit where the money comes from.

Pretty cool stuff sadly the game couldn’t generate fun gameplay

Having played the IW beta and BF1 beta I’m go with BF1. Both are nothing new and nothing that you haven’t seen before just prefer the bigger battles

When u lose by 29 points I would avoid talking about football as well

Complain to your players union that agreed to all these rules

I wouldn’t trust either to park my car considering neither has been behind the wheel of a car for over 30 years.