
Haaaaaaaaaave you met Liz?

I didn't mean to imply any white man could get away with that stuff. Obviously they couldn't. If Don was a woman, he would have been fired long ago. If Don was black, he would have been fired long ago. My example with Peggy was just trying to illustrate how certain behavior tend to be more acceptable when coming from

Sorry, let me rephrase…. Any woman or person of color who was in Don's exact situation, wouldn't have been able to get away with his bullshit. Even if they were as talented. Even if they had started the company. White male clients and white male partners would not have stood for a black man or woman bossing them

Do you remember in season 5 when Peggy talked to the baked beans asshole just like Don would have talked to him? Basically she was trying to bully him into accepting creative's bean ballet idea. Yeah, she almost got fired for that and she got taken off the account. Just for acting like Don for 10 minutes!!! Any woman