
This reaction from NK is exactly what Team Drumpf wants. The plan is and always has been to unite Americans (the ones they like, at least) behind them against a common enemy. They don’t care what that enemy is or whether it’s foreign or domestic, and the possibilty of civilian casualties is hardly a concern. Tragedy

Yay! I love playing Fallout! When do we start?

Not enough caps... er... stars.

What do IC and OC stand for?

No pedantry, just misanthropy.

This isn’t just a problem with a Trump; this is a problem with our world.

I’m sure the first thing they ask every candidate is “can you make this loser deparrment profitable?”


Awwwww... THE WIDDLE KWOGAN!!!1!

HA! The first thing I thought when I read the headline was: OK, she must be going around the country collecting them from all the addicts.

This is just more proof that the most basic lessons I learned as a child were lies.

I’m not sure this means much of anything except that continuity wasn’t as important to the production company then as it may be now. Fanboys weren’t as obsessive (at first, at least), and they didn’t have the internet to compare images and notes as easily.

I guess it’s better to die a racist, sexist asshole rich than to live a decent, tolerant person.

I’m going to guess that it’s because you are capable of rational and analytical thought, and that you aren’t trying to bend the meaning to fit your agenda.

I don’t get it.

Well, then, perhaps genetics should be considered in approval for coverage. If you’re born defective, why should I contribute to the cost of keeping you alive?

Every living thing on this planet past, present, and future, feeds on previously-living things. Plants may not be furry and cute, but they were once just as alive as a pig or a cow.

“Virtue is rewarded with suffering contempt in the West modern human society.”

That’s a usage quote. It’s a quote of the word being used in something that’s been published.

It’s been 25 years since I was last at Disneyland, and I can still smell the mildew-y goodness. PotC was always my favorite ride. I don’t think it would be the same for me now.