
I started using Chrome early on specifically because of Ad Block Plus. Haven’t seen (many) internet ads in years. Google, Kinja, and the marketing industry may not like it, but I don’t care.

Wha?!? Marketing lies? SAY IT AIN’T SO!

How about “3-year anniversary” and “PIN number”?

“I don’t need to turn my lights on when it’s raining in the daytime. I can see fine!”


I pre-ordered Sacred 3 (go ahead, laugh), and it most definitely was not what I was expecting. That said, I learned to more-or-less enjoy it for what it is. The only objectively bad thing I can say about it is the lame dialogue, especially that of the woman who guides you though the story from off-screen. The actor

“In 2012, a method was discovered that allowed players to skip the large door to Banjo-Kaoozie’s final boss”

I suspect I have only had the “not real” kind, then. Sorry.

Came here to say this. +1 literjon.

Red velvet cake tastes like food coloring as far as I’m concerned.

Because everything that doesn’t benefit (the metaphorical) you must be someone else’s fault.

“...a cognitive shift in which the person suddenly felt the enormity of the universe and the silliness of human squabbles.”

Spicy is sooooooooo desperate to make his boss look like a badass he trips over his own ideas. SAD!

Gawd, I wish I liked weed.

Gawd, I wish I could drink.

Aqualung for the 21st century.

There’s a difference between the airline’s right and the right thing to do. A human (usually) knows the difference, while a corporate entity cannot.

Mine is: OVERREACTION!!!1! 150% HYPERBOLE 28/9/378!

If you want to reduce violence, you need to look at more fundamental changes to how this country people works.

“His true believer supporters however? Like VCR’s blinking 12:00.”