Yes I drive a 240... Jalopnik Refugee

You seem like a dude with a punisher skull on his back windshield

Unless that argument settles a wager, what are the stakes if not clout? 

Of being completely brain-fried, having given up his limited cognitive functions decades ago? Doesn’t seem like the best idea. 

I know it’s easy to blame EA, but Anthem was Casey Hudson’s next project after Mass Effect 3 and he ran it until 2014. The biggest misstep for EA was pushing Frostbite, but the person behind that initiative is no longer there.

I agree Vegas is also a show pony of a race with no practicality, but at least it’s at a venue with tons of things to do around the track. Now admittedly those things are 99% the same, but still, it’s no parking lot. And it’s at night. Miami from Day 1 felt like a money grab on a stupid track in a stupid location with

What sorcery is this?

That loaded bloomin’ onion is giving me high blood pressure just looking at it. Eesh.

“Elon Musk is ruining Twitter.” — Dorsey

Have you ever had BBQ chicken pizza with red onions? Delicious.  

Just gonna leave this here

Jason Schreier was Kotaku. But that’s why he’s in a better place now... 

Nah. Daniel Craig was blond and can’t drive manual and goes out in public holding the child he produced through heterosexual means with a woman, so he’s basically gay. It’ll be fine.

I like Zwiezen a lot, and a lot of the newer writers are growing on me, but Walker seems unfit for a site with this many eyes on it. Commenters who deign to question anything either get passive aggressive responses or just instantly greyed. It’s a bad look.

I’ve said this before and I’m going to keep harping on it: Dave Filoni, Dave Filoni, Dave Filoni. He’s spent the better part of his career in charge of the “kiddy crap” part of the SW universe and now he’s bringing that to Mando.

One thing is sure, given the official representations that she more or less approved. Cleopatra would “identify” as white.

I miss Jason Schreier too.

Strange saw all possibilities. You have to go with the narrative logic that if Strange had forewarned Quill or anyone else, it would not have worked out and blown the one shot. Or if had used the time stone trick like he did on Dormammu, Thanos would have been able to get out of it using the other stones.

I wish that I’d liked the third season more, but to me, it’s felt very slapdash. The grittier and leaner style that the show had when it started is fading away, and everything is becoming more kiddie-oriented.

It’s not in my top 5 favorites, but I’ve had some pretty good BBQ chicken pizza.

In my personal experience, I look back at my childhood as wasted opportunity more then anything else.  Its not being a certain age I miss, its the near unlimited access to free time.  Like the idea of summer vacation.   I can’t take a week off of work without at least a month of planning and then expecting to come