Yes I drive a 240... Jalopnik Refugee

Yeah, that’s the takeaway i’ve got from my mother too. 

Hello! Links be acting funny :D

It’s incredibly ironic that you’re claiming the 1st amendment is being “severely violated” while you yourself dismiss other comments from people who disagree with you.

This ball got rolling long before Oct 7 2023. Has absolutely nothing to do with it.

You REALLY need to look up what the 1st amendment is and how it works.

Absolutely asinine comments like these are why I’ve stopped visiting this site.

This is my argument. If they aren’t gonna allow ours then we shouldn’t allow them.

Between the ads, the slideshows, and the increasingly hostile commentariat, I wouldn’t mind never coming back here again. Alas, Stockholm (Gothenburg?) Syndrome.

the ever looming threat of Jalopnik disappearing

Horrifying. Simply horrifying.

jeez, this hit hard. I’ve been down that road many times. the line ‘but she’s still your mother’ brings back painful memories. And like your experience, she was very good at projecting an almost perfect fun mom to everyone else. 

Semantics. Certainly fits the dictionary definition of punishment when a company gets a penalty for its legal transgression. Should the lawsuit succeed the company will have been punished for negligence.

Yes the “straights” had such trouble following the 22 movie Marvel Universe from Iron Man to Endgame. . .

I dont buy that. if that was ‘millions of dollars of content in the freezer, they should have gotten someone there right fucking now to fix it.

His superpower is insane wealth.

What part of “special needs” eluded you?

Okay, stop using the word fridging, because I don’t think you’re 100% sure what it means. It’s not just a blanket term for literally every time a female character dies. Black Widow made a willing sacrifice for the whole universe, fighting her longtime partner all the way over who would get to make it, which is

“But Secret Invasion was supposed to be the show that finally gave Maria Hill the development and due she should have been accorded”

I love how Trump and DeSantis think they can piss all over the constitution then yell immunity. They truly believe they are above the law because they’ve lived their entire lives as criminals and gotten away with it.

Basically. It’s like when a new generation discovers something the previous generations knew, but they act like they’re the first ones to do it.