
For me, the most traumatized I have been by a movie scene is in Alien, in the escape pod. Not the jump scare when the alien reaches out for Ripley, no, it’s the part where she’s terrified in the spacesuit locker putting on the suit, while the alien is sitting in its ambush spot, slowly extending and retracting its

Yes, “art.” But you didn’t need the quotation marks.

Since this has an actual function; wouldn’t he be a designer rather than an artist?

That’s no moon.

Right after we develop extreme velocity sublight propulsion, extreme human longevity, and cultivate enough Elon Musk types to give the technology enough spark to get off the ground.

Trump’s going to build a Dyson sphere around our sun and make the aliens pay for it.

If/when Trump gets elected I volunteer to take the first flight.

April 5, 2063

They still supported him after he mocked a disabled reporter — which was so utterly vile, the expectation of a presidential candidate having a basic level of human decency is meaningless now. So, yeah, literally nothing will make them realize that Trump (and his silver-spoon family) are amoral sociopathic douche bags.

You’re assuming that there isn’t also loads of anti-Semitic merchandise there already!

Meh, it all doesn’t matter anyway. People who support Trump have already proven long ago that there isn’t anything at this point that will change their mind. No matter what he says or does or what the people around him do, it doesn’t matter. It just somehow is Hillary’s fault and the vitriol continues to increase.

“Sorry!” he shouted after me, in a segue I didn’t quite understand. “Done slammed my peter in the car door one too many times!”

Correction: Imagine being banned from Verizon Wireless by constantly calling a person, saying awful, hateful shit, and then inciting thousands of other people to call and harass that one person.

Seems pretty ban-worthy to me.

Milo writes for Breitbart. He’s not lacking for a platform.

For the crime of being abused by her football boyfriend, I’m bracing for horrible stories about this woman being sent death threats over fucking with Buckeye football and ruining this man’s career. FOOTBAW NIGHT IN MURICA

Hi, King of False Equivalencies!

Is that really the best you can come up with? That one shrug worth tweet from 18 months ago vs an epic ton of clear racist hateful garbage? Even worse is that you think it’s a true 1:1 relationship that a single tweet somehow equals years of hate and bragging of targeting many individuals for harassment. Honestly,

Not. Even. Close to what he said and did.

Wow, that guy is kind of an awful human.