
So wait a second, this event somehow suffers from general lack of participants and interest, but also lack of parking and traffic congestion. What do they have one parking spot and road?

Make the hill steeper

Ugh hate to see the rule 34 depiction of that

I see you’ve played movie/advertising before

I hate that fucking song so much. If I hear it being played on a jukebox at a bar I immediately look for the person to fight them. I can’t imagine a bigger indicator for being an idiot than liking that abortion of a song.

Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, season 2

That whole paragraph about Dinosaurs got me like

Also, best time zones for watching sports

Counterpoint: That song sounds just like Creep

Some quality hot take bs right here

uhhhhh not really...

We have a $25 limit at my office

2 weeks is all you need to decide to get married to someone

Call me when Weird Al gets in.

I mean, for a couple consecutive falls, there was Marlins Man for us, watching the Royals. I dunno, I think Kansas City just loves anyone (remotely) famous from outside of Kansas City who likes us. Its like “see we are cool, the guy from Miami thinks so”

God dammit I hate being a Mizzou fan. Can’t have one damn nice thing. The most exciting off season in history. Couldn’t wait for basketball season to start after a god damn 8-24 season. And here we are. Fuck me

But once Oklahoma was solidly in the lead, 27-3

Her: Come over

Every movie is getting a female reboot...