
That video in the tweet makes a great loop.  

The only thing missing from that filter are bunny ears/hearts.  Looks like a zoomed out photo of a Tinder profile pic

I mean, Patrick Mahomes was barely over .500 with a 66–59 record in college.   

Wrays response at the end was the committee hearing equivalent of, “well bless your heart”

This is a good time to bring up that the NBA Kings used to be split between two cities for 3 years in 1972-1975. Kansas City and Omaha. Now obviously thats a lot closer than Tampa and Montreal and a lot more games, but its not soooo crazy

I believe that was Wilt Chamberlains pick up line

Based on your grammar I’m going to assume you wrote one of the preceding emails?

It is a season of cockfighting back in the yards of the WH…Thump is winning in his ring but not mine. : (

There’d be more interest about UConn not making the Final Four.  Otherwise who cares.  Water is wet and UConn is in the Womens Final Four


They do have a gay bar.  It was called the Bulge and it looked like a fun time, at least when 2 male penguins are getting married.

Thats great and everything, but can we discuss whether or not this was “storm the court” worthy? The team you beat wasn’t even top 10. You didn’t come from behind. I’m not an expert but does utah state and nevada have a rivalry? I say shame on utah state for an unworthy storming the court. SHAME

The is a correct opinion and an acceptable answer

I still love how the people still spout this “lock her up” and TREASON! shit, even though their guy is in the most advantageous and powerful spot to do something about it if any of it were true.  Oh Hillary still isn’t in jail?  How weird...

They look like they’re all staring into the sun

Such a weird state I live in, legalizes weed and raises minimum wage by a large margarine, but then votes in a Trump puppet for senate.

I wish I would have taken a picture of one in Missouri from a candidate I’d never heard of that attacked Josh Hawley (republican) for being too ANTI gun. The mailer was going to fight for your rights to have bump stocks! Then I saw it was from a libertarian and had a good laugh before throwing it in the garage.

They have 4...

Hmmmm seems like the mother has interesting opinions

I love how this assholes first response to being called out in public is to then go to the internet to bitch.