
Hazel Bryan, the woman pictured screaming and practically growling at Elizabeth Eckford, realized she was on the wrong side of history about ten years after she showed herself to be a vile racist. She spent a significant amount of her life basically attempting to make up for it, but she still had the gall to be

oy gay

Couldn’t trample anything but a tune.

randilyn *pause, sigh* I know we’ve only commented at each other like a few times, but I feel your positive energy in every word, every letter... *more sighing, misty eyes* you are truly a magnificent creature *fades to black*

We’ll miss you!

Your roommate is the worst buzzkill.

roommate: what are you watching?


Winter is nothing but damp gloom, Spring is warm but ALLERGY SEASON, Summer is a cooking hellscape. Fall is the best.

You just knew Scalia would come in handy at some point.

I’m pleasantly surprised that I’m not the only summer hater out there! It seems like everyone floats on a cloud of waiting for summer all year, to me it’s the season of smelling nasty and keeping the AC cranked and bad hair days. Or, in the worst of it, waiting until sundown to run any errands because loading and

Here’s hoping! And the lady who sits next to her is probably praying for just that.

I’m still a little unclear. Can she be fired?

The gospel according to Huckabee: “You can be a child molester, dog torturer, convicted rapist or law breaker, as long as you do so in the name of Jeebus. Except be gay and have human rights. Ain’t nothing gonna protect you then. Oh, and Benghazi. Amen.”

I really really wish that every blog post about Kim Davis would mention that she’s an elected official. Important, because SHE CAN’T BE FIRED. Say it with me, kids: she can’t be fired!

I love how Scalia put this in a 2002 essay (unrelated to marriage rights) about the obligations of a public servant when their job duties conflict with their beliefs: “He has, after all, taken an oath to apply the laws and has been given no power to supplant them with rules of his own. Of course if he feels strongly

She looks like the meanest, most hate filled person I’ve seen lately.

The biggest one I’ve ever had was 11in and so big I couldn’t put my mouth around it.

If anything, I’m staying with someone despite their large penis, not because of it. After a couple tries, you figure out what works best and it doesn’t hurt really. But it can be challenging at first. My preference has always been for unusually smooth penises, because obviously you want to spend more time touching and