
If I were a billionaire I'd totally buy this.

@Antubis: I for one resent the government thinking it can legislate danger out of existence.

This is what happens when you let soccer moms run things. In a few years we'll all be wearing helmets in our cars.

@Deekle: That money could be used to same more lives then a mere 200-300.

Wow, Sweden sure has some shitty sex laws.

@redman042: A neutron bomb wasn't supposed to put out anywhere near the same radiation.

Might someone mind explaining to me why chemical weapons are so much more taboo then nukes? The prolonged effects are a hell of a lot shorter and it does for a fact leave infrastructure intact.

Sex offender would be more accurate...

It's probably 10% polar bear piss.

@ninjagin: They'll hire you if you don't age past say 30ish.

Hope he enjoys Leavenworth.

It wasn't a movie; it was a documentary.

@Xelmon: That's a damn good deal. FAL's are a work of art.

@metronome49: They cut the animals throat and don't even restrain it. So the animal is stumbling around with blood gushing all over the place and at least in the video I saw it took quite a while for the cow to bleed out.

@Lahjik: Seriously? It's the best AK variant you can get...

If you're that bored with class don't even fucking show up.

$900? For that money it better shoot real bullets. You can get two Yugo M70's for that money.

Also, it's that time again. I have TWO invites to IPTorrents. Ask for one at okaa92 [at]

Wish we could have a Hive Five for VPN services.