
Jesus, is it necessary to use this tech blog as your bleeding-heart soapbox? This isn't tech related.

@sid9221: "Who the hell betray's their own species?"

@theimmc: He reloads his own ammo.

@moonshadowkati: Nobody practices with hollow points (that would be prohibitively expensive).

@Canoehead: Iceland is a NATO member. They're plenty safe.

I think the bigger scandal here is that Apple is too cheap to get their own photos of lions.

@Rockworthy: Because you may at some point in time be coerced into giving your pass-phrase. Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a country that has a fifth amendment. Better to give them some decoy files then rot in a jail cell.

Propriety encryption methods like the ones with Seagate, Dell and Microsoft are not to be trusted. You can be damn sure there's always a backdoor.

Why bother? Sparkleshare will be stable soon.

Protip: You can get religious books (Bibles, Korans, Torahs ect.) for free at just about any religious building.

Is it true that T-Mobile will be carrying the iPhone soon? If so is there any news on whether or not they'll offer an unlimited data plan?

@daPrinz: That only happens in "matters of national security". Or are you really dumb enough to think that every police station has a waterboard now?

@caprice: Because chickens aren't humans.

@gtaz19: Your point would be?

Since the planet doesn't seem content to keep their pants on genetic engineering of food sources is the future.

He couldn't afford a ten cent target from a gun store?

Lemme guess; tracers?

@QuatlooMillionaire: Nice justification but I doubt any Christians thought the same about piss Christ (for some reason I thought it was of Mary).

Burning American flags and dunking statues of the virgin Mary in piss = Fine expression of freedom of speech