That side profile and those rims, yum.
That side profile and those rims, yum.
Because if you have a highway commute it’s rated at 10 mpg better on the highway. Simple math.
Unless it’s a highway commute.
Up until this generation they’ve been only selling the diesel in extremely limited numbers, with the new one its now widely available.
High schooler also named Joey here, I second the crap can, bought my parents minivan and a set of winter tires and haven’t looked back. Also can rip tire smoking burnouts with all seasons if so desired.
I actually got to see them building the “prototype” raptors that were bound for China while visiting the plant last year, so that was pretty interesting.
Was drifting a minivan down a residential road in the winter, as many teens do, went opposite lock in both directions controlling the tail, then the van whipped around hard, missing a row of 3 mailboxes by maybe a couple of inches, and the van deposited itself safely in a snowbank next to the mailboxes.
I’m totally fine with emissions standards and such, but the current mpg standards are borderline oppressive with 55 mpg fleet required by 2025
Well that’s disappointing. Thanks bop.
The C7.R debuted in 2014 with the 488 and GT not debuting until 2016. They may be limited by power and redline, but the turbos can make power much quicker and flatter than the N/A which would have to rev to make max power. Plus mid-engine should put down the power and handle better than a front engine.
I would assume a newer car versus a older design. Plus twin turbos on both the GT and Ferrari versus naturally aspirated in the vette.
Costco gas is top tier certified, so it is the good stuff, do some research.
True. This is one of the few years I’m chill with snow, gotta test those new snow tires somehow.
I’m all for global warming if it makes the Michigan winters more bearable
Detroit actually wasn’t that cold this year. Went Saturday and it was a pleasant 25ish.
Yeah, this thing does not look good from any angle.
There’s no rust on the body, yes, but there still will be corrosion which at this point no one knows what it looks like. And, the frame is still steel and will rust.
Yeah, there’s not really a correlation here. Coming from MI it was because the big 3 lobbied against it and is supposedly to protect the “little man” that is the dealer and franchisee of the big 3.
Course it’s in the South.
Coming from an auto shop, both our Owner and Service writer drive these trucks, one with a coyote, one with an EB. They feel nearly identical besides more of a grumble from the V8 under acceleration. They’re both used as commuters out in the country and average 12.5-13.5, so It’s about the same either way. I…