Minivan Burnouts, Its a thing

Coming from MI, snow chains, who needs those.

No parts here, but I got my late great grandfather’s tool box that he used everyday along with a selection of his tools.

I laugh at him just because he has a f250 with a 5.4.

I have a guy tell me nearly everyday about his f250 with a 5.4 triton. Has “racing plugs and coils and makes 400 HP¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡” Literally said the other day he was disappointed it can’t do wheelies.

The real question is, what kind of music?

It was a 96 Nissan quest, more rust than anything else, it was unkillable and the vq30 was majestic. Rip Pickle.

So if its ~38k in US Dollars, that’s like that 75k Canadian?

Winter biking would be nice, if I wasn’t so lazy

Contrary to what many of the truck bros think, a lift and 31-37s don’t make your truck better in the winter, it makes it worse. A larger tire spreads out the footprint and weight of your truck, making it ride on top of, and hence slide, on snow and ice, where as a slimmer tire cuts into the ice/snow more effectively.

The one exception to coffee is nitro, that stuff is magic. But only one nitro is supreme, and that is Madcap Coffee’s Nitro.

Personally I thought this episode was far and away much better than the first. I thought the first episode was a drag, this one I was laughing nearly the whole time. Still not a piece in a grand spectrum, but definitely better than the first.

I’ve went to one place he’s been to, never going back. As a caveat, they had somewhat recently changed their menu, so I’ll chalk it up to that. Would go to other places he’s went though.

I refuse to accept the pasty, nobody eats that garbage beside the 3 deer that live in the UP.

Someone else finally gets minivans are legit, unfortunately I have gen 3 T&C and Not A Earlier Van, but Hey They Still Kept the Terrible Trans’.

Can confirm as a teen that no matter who buys it, they still wreck it. This is why I bought a minivan.

Dunk is the best thing to happen to YouTube.

Your friends in Norway get the idea with a roadmaster.

I was once a sandwich artist, pickle people were the worst, and we also once ran out of bread, we still had flat bread, but people lost their mind, so like people please grow up.

Pretty sure it’s just a set (Dutch) standard around here that you merge at 50, it’s ridiculous.

There may be no lightbar, but no normal Explorer is gonna have spotlights. Problem solved.