Silvery purple 97 town and country
Silvery purple 97 town and country
I’m definitely no fan of Drake, but his production, especially in views, is just so dang smooth.
Tuesday was actually an Ilovemakkonen song that Drake then remixed and featured himself in.
You in MI?
Would the klr600 be decent for a first bike?
“fetty wrap”, just about died
It’s the equivalent of captaining a pontoon: has massive uncomfortable seats, feels like it’s about to fall over anytime you think about moving, etc. Least a pontoon has less blind spots
The crown vic may be reliable, but it's a nightmare and a half to drive.
Prolly shouldn't read this when I plan on doing the same thing next year.
Was at the cure for gingervitis a couple of weekends ago, was pretty fun. Only wish there was a way to look at all the timing and all that without, you know, being on a team.
Need to sell the bumps, like now
I usually refer to it as new-not-top-gear
*unless youre in MI
The windshield/roof/back window being all one piece will be exciting, until you have to replace it when it gets a large chip/cracks, but pimpin non the less
Was I mistaken when I heard 115k reservations in the past 24 hours? Cuz dang son
A lot of that though now is from suppliers that they then tweak.
The V10 tdi Touareg, my gosh I wish I had one.
Have a skullcandy soundmine, sounds pretty decent, battery is pretty good, and is sure as heck durable. Drive home with it on my dash all the time and had the windows open, it flew out the window, I watched it skitter across the road in my mirrors and plop into a field. Turned around and picked it up, besides a few…
Have a skullcandy soundmine, sounds pretty decent, battery is pretty good, and is sure as heck durable. Drive home…
Happened to acquire a ‘00 Camry CE just yesterday, Definitely more grounded to the ground than a 20 year old minivan.
Somehow still kinda sounds importish, even though #teammurica v8