Minivan Burnouts, Its a thing

Just got my first real, read:non fast food, job, saving for a used abarth 500 is extremely tempting.

Replace the belt, Had the same style belt chirp on my 97 town and country for like 6-8 months, all my pulleys and all that were good, replaced the belt and now it’s good as new.

Even not having had my license for even a year, can confirm.

Have the 10400, 100% worth it when you have a LG G4 with the dodgey battery life.

Have the 10400, 100% worth it when you have a LG G4 with the dodgey battery life.

295 ft Lbs. The heck.

Got the practical gear head on a shoestring budget theme.

I’d say the reason why is because most minivans are family vehicles, getting beat on without much care, hence all the rusted out mid 2ks Chrysler/Dodges with 120-200k. We own 4 so I would like to think I’m an expert in the subject lol.

So the one yesterday was a Polaris Slingshot which is gas just like any other car, so not exactly limited range

600 Hp seems a little Tame for a twin turbo 12, no?

So, it doesn’t have to have the grill or the lettering, that got covered earlier.

Using one of the 50 buck fires for offline video right now, totally worth it.

Using one of the 50 buck fires for offline video right now, totally worth it.

Near the end of high school, I drive a 97 Chrysler Town and Country with the 3.8 and 220k miles. Will whip a tire into smoke on demand, appropriately named the beast, pretty glorious.

Needs a tdi out of a rabbit pickup to make rabbit pickup 2.0

A guy I know and my own father saw a guy driving a viper through the snow in our town, like who does this

Most Wanted is worth its weight in gold.

Saw the movie last night, not having read the book it was amazing. Went with someone who has read the book and they said it was just as they imagined it, of course minus a few small things because its adaptation, so I will probably be picking up the book soon.

Anybody else getting a Nissan titan XD flavor here?

Live in an area where I see 5-2 pretty regularly, and 8 & 10 somewhat occasionally, Its great.

Would buy a 2stroke air freshener in seconds

Half of the fun of living in MI is driving in the winter.