Minivan Burnouts, Its a thing


I need me a scion outback sport.

The first-gen Nissan quest is a magical thing, especially when it’s 1 AM and you’re doing speed laps around a church with open headers, that vehicle happens to be the inspiration for my username coincidentally. Also, what other engine could survive months of being beat on with nothing but oil residue?

Oh, you got it for $12, I got it for $20, eat it lol. But seriously I would pay that $20 all day long cuz its a freaking huge, amazing game. And $20 new for a physical copy, yes please. What I won’t buy is brand new games, cuz they’re freaking expensive, Ill just take my time.

These things actually get freaking good gas mileage for the engine size and overall size of it, cuz insanely tall gears.

Yay MI.

Nicee. My parents are kinda picky too when it comes to what I play, so I dont think they would take well to me murdering the whole town with like a knife or whatever lol

Oh gosh, this mission. One of the weirdest quests I’ve yet to play. Was kinda disturbing, butttt I was told the sequence of the puzzle by one of my friends so I didn’t have to kill the whole town, yay lol

Knew people who had 2 excursions, a V10 and a diesel. Kinda despise excursions because of those people lol.

So true, fallout 3 every time. lol

Drive by the dealer in GRAND RAPIDS FREAKING MICHIGAN every single day. I’ve only seen a single Maserati on the streets, coincidently it was like 20 feet from the dealer, heading back to te dealer, and Idk if they’ve even sold one

Annnything will burn rubber if you want it to, ex: 97 Chrysler Town and Country LXi, does a pretty nasty rolling burnout lol

I see #4-6 on a daily basis, its nice. lol

The cookies are insanee

$420 blaze it

AKA every single mother on the planet

And come on, the name is supposed to be more ironic than anything, because just about everyone knows a minivan can't really do a legit burnout.

Its not like you never drove your parents car and messed around, you have to make do with what you have. On the other hand we have 3 minivans lol.

Toyota econobox weekly

At this point in my life there would be no reason for me to move out, seeing as I'm still in high school, and I do have a job thank you very much.