
You don’t need a new monitor just b/c it doesn’t have HDMI, right? You can just get a converter from USB-C?

You can see everyone on the message. You can see when people are typing, and when messages are delivered. And it just works.

There’s the new Ubuiti coming out too

I’ve been using it since November and it’s been great. No problems at all.

I’ve been using it since November and it’s been great. No problems at all.

brush, African American

With the intro video by Weird Al? Did they have Red Planet too? The Mars racer?

Didn’t Clarkson say something similar a few seasons ago? Anything with >500HP wasn’t fun for him.

So it comes with a free Automatic OBD adapter?

Count the seconds. He’s ~half a second away when the cop brake checks him. That’s too close, at any speed. I don’t condone brake checking and think that cop was a dick, so let’s call both drivers at fault here.

And 2 pounds of beef and 1 lb each of chicken and salmon. And 4 bananas and a couple avocados. And all that other food.

get the powered one and use water as hot as you can stand

impact wrench is your friend for wheels

I just think I’ve forgotten all of the controls, abilities, and sense of what quests I was on.

I should go start that over. I was having a lot of fun in that game then got busy with other stuff and dropped it in the middle.

PDCs from The Expanse?

I beat the final boss this week and thought the difficulty was good. I’m mediocre at games and while I died plenty of times on some of the HLD bosses they never felt cheap. Definitely not the hardest game I’ve ever played.

Damn, I was wondering if this would make a good Plex server too. I run Plex on my desktop and I’d like something dedicated. Anyone know decent solutions for this? Would a NAS be the best option?

That is not a good place to go off (going into turn 9). Better than missing the apex on 9 and hitting the wall for sure. But that doesn’t seem like a typical spot to go off.

speaking of gamefaqs, I’m pretty sure was a porn site redirect in the late 90s.

my pick won!