
these were all really good.

I didn’t care about this car until I watched the video. Bad ass.

Undo is pretty handy in iOS. I use it often if I delete an email and then realize I wanted it. Sure, you can go dig around and find it, but undo is quicker.

This is a problem that needs to be solved? How often do apps crash and you lose a bunch of text? Is it worth those few times to have an app store everything you type? WTF?

Well that sucks. So they’re protecting fraud but not privacy; makes sense I guess. Apple Pay FTW.

Hm, interesting. Is there information available besides your name? Something they can uniquely identify you with?

Does the unique number when you use the chip to pay mean that retailers can’t track your purchases (obviously, without a loyalty card or whatever).

That’s how my 05 WRX sold. Lots of lowball offers, then a guy said he wanted to come out and see it, gave me full price cash, drove away. Done.

it’s super fast

Where’d you drink? Fig? Funk Zone for wine?

Would you be better off with a twin turbo-prop than one of these? I would think with a single engine you can only cruise below a certain altitude - so where is the trade-off between price, cruising speed, and fuel use?

I visited Cirrus in Duluth about a decade ago - it was cool.

I think the bike? I didn’t know people rented bikes..?

Yeah, we saw “inside the iPhone 6” a year ago.

EDIT: nevermind, misread it.

This looked really cool, and I like the clip (I think it was my first KS). But I really don’t like messenger bags. So here’s to hoping these guys do a backpack next.

how come time travel doesn’t work in reverse with temperature?

I agree, and basically don’t use 3rd party apps on my Watch. I think the “finally” is unwarranted though.

I wonder if a sportwagen could be a steal after used prices plummet, if you can flash it back to normal.

“finally” a big OS update for a product that’s been out for <5 months has an OS update!