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    Damnit, that was going to be my secret newsletter information to share!

    That sounds a lot like a gar-OWN-TEE.

    Stinks of brimstone around here.

    Yes, my wife and I finally gave in and watched the BBC episodes years ago and were surprised at how nice he could be. The Fox US version is well . . . exactly what you'd expect: add a voice-over to make sure you're not missing how stupid everyone is and then exclusively find restaurants owned by high-strung "ethnic"

    The true spiritual descendant of this show was Unhappily Ever After where you to put up with a puppet to view Nikki Cox in Christina Applegate's hand-me-downs.

    How bad does your first name have to be to risk going with "M. [Anything]" as a film director?

    He's supposed to be Wild Bill Hicock, right? That guy does an amazing job as an early prototype— the jerkiness is just enough to get to the other side of the Uncanny Valley. Maybe we could have a shootout there.

    Internet rumor has it he took her virginity. Or bored it out of her depending on how much urban legend you believe in.

    I took a couple of really good film classes back in college and quickly realized what a dilettante I was when I sat too close to a couple of odd looking fellows geeking out about an amazing sunrise shot in a film. It took me 5 minutes of eavesdropping before I realized they were talking about some 70's porn.

    I read the movie was originally about Aerosmith.

    It worries me even more that people are reveling in it. "Yay that billionaire who happens to agree with me in this particular case was able to subvert free speech. Hooray!"

    "I have had the unique opportunity to observe over 10 years of public American drinking culture."

    Does she have narrative holes that need filling?

    In her defense, having the name Mrs. Bitchiness must have been tough around kids.

    White people in Boston once rioted to prevent school desegregation

    My wife and I still reference those songs. It was one of the first games where we were on equal footing so it got a lot of play. Not my favorite song but I want to put in a good word for the insane robot boss at the end— not "insane hard" just "insane".

    Like the late Earl Warren?

    And the shows were downhill after that.

    The show's name must have felt like a millstone to Mackenzie Phillips.

    It's sort of weird they had to cram so much information onto her body yet left the face clear.