
If you have a farmer’s market or farmer’s co-op, ask about poulets or pollets. They’re young (usually um...adolescent?, so if roosters, about to be sold off or culled anyway) chickens and generally smaller/less developed birds than the full-sized ones you’ll see in the supermarkets. Spatchcock them and you have a much

Can’t turn off the fan and use it as a thermal oven? That sucks. That really sucks, I know how much those things cost (the perks of being in insurance, you get to see exactly how other people spend their money.)

What about something else, like lemon meringue, or coconut cream or spiced custard?

That reminds me, my mom wants to do apple dumplings, but most recipes out there are either disgusting (Pillsbury crescent roll dough and Mountain Dew? Why?) or bland (NO spices, not even cinnamon.) Does anyone have a good one? She likes the ones with raisins and walnuts stuffed in the cavity where the core was, but

The only excuse is a nut allergy. But even then the solution is simple, double your ice cream amount when blending the milkshake with your choice of non-nut based dairy alternative. You get a nice, thick milkshake without having to go to all kinds of trouble to get it.

But seriously...lactose intolerant people could have answered this question ages ago. Particularly anyone who’s ever made a pina colada or a curry. Coconut cream. Non-dairy ice cream. It’s...well, it’s just that simple. Unless you absolutely hate coconut and can detect the taste through everything else...well, all the

Well, yeah. And I guess it did say “(mostly) tourists” too.

We should all be using them to draw genitalia on the forehead of every picture of the turnip, melanoma and Ivankasuckyourblood that we see.

Who the hell is stupid enough to feed an alligator?

I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm, guys.

Gulls are assholes. Crows, while loud and brash, can be stunningly loyal. Plus, if they like you, crows will bring you things in exchange for, for instance, peanut butter toast.

No, it isn’t. What it is is hard for dumbasses to realise that they are not, literally, the Princes of the Universe. That they are doing something stupid that is going to endanger not only themselves, but also every single other person that those well-fed bears they think are so cuddly and cute come across as well as

Can’t have a good crucifixion without a congregation. Come on now, closer together than that...and masks off, let us see those bright Christmas smiles!

I’m glad to not be the only one to think that their Christmas cups are always so hostilely ugly. Rather dull and “downmarket suburbia” this year too.

Yeah, they seem nice and normal. I don’t like how they redid the Joy, though. I’ll stick to my older editions.

LOL! “Oh, are you now?”

I’m an Android girl. So if they have an Android extension...maybe? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Eh. I’m just the product of two parents working two jobs each and being the dumping ground for all the relatives kids that the relatives temporarily couldn’t take care of/keep fed. There were four of us, so at any point there were seven to nine children at our house and at least five or six of us were living there

I don’t facebook. Is that maybe up on youtube somewhere?

I am honestly starting to think I should make the effort to learn Welsh just so I can screw with people over here. Most Americans don’t even speak English all that well, can you imagine casually throwing couple of Welsh phases into a conversation?