
Actually, one of the best tuna sandwiches I had was a tuna melt on sourdough with bacon...

“Fuck you both.” - Bronx Colors

We should all be buying Wild Planet anyway, given that it’s just plain better.


Toaster oven omelet and toaster oven “fried” bologna here. I was out of leftovers. And breakfast sausage.

Exactly. I think I’ve seen that same study cited in numerous places, and never any indication that it’s gone any more in-depth or had any real follow up, which is a shame.

You can imagine though, that for couples who did go into debt, it would put an immediate financial strain right into the middle of their new marriage. And all the havoc and turmoil that could cause in a relationship? Just because a few lucky couples buck the trend doesn’t mean there’s not a trend.

Likely because of the debt load those enormous weddings generate.

Sounds like a dish that used whatever was to hand, to be honest. It’s entirely possible that it was chicken thighs when your great-grandmother made it because chicken livers weren’t available or thighs were cheaper than livers.

We seem to have it now? I guess because they figured they were giving us spicy McNuggets so why not? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Same. Tried these last night, and with this review in mind I got both the Mighty Hot sauce and a Sweet ‘n’ Sour sauce. They were much better with the Sweet ‘n’ Sour than with the Mighty Hot. Mighty Hot really only has tartness to add, the Sweet ‘n’ Sour adds actual flavor to the combo. You get the hit of tartness, a

I don’t know...maybe we should get PETA on that.

I think the kosher laws say it has to be from certain parts of the animal as well from (or not from) certain animals, which might make it more expensive than just going to a vegan gelatin.

You have throw a chair when you order it.

Then shouldn’t his promotion be with Jack in the Box? Or is that the beast mode place? I’m over 40 and from Iowa so 🤷🏾‍♀️.

Don’t feel bad, just be happy as hell that you’re older than 11.

I thought it was a terrible illustration of a baseball.

He’s not (technically) wrong, you know. Given that they’re not going to be producing Peeps for quite a while, if Just Born wanted to make the switch to vegan gelatin (which would also make Peeps kosher,) now would be an excellent time to do it.

I will certainly ask, that sounds like it might be really nice after a meal.

Did the same for Iowa and am SOOOOOO happy to see two of the local Vietnamese places listed!