Erotic Joe

Tangerine Idi Amin. I like Larry as well.

What are the chances that these ideas are part of what created the rift with JAY Z and Bey and why the four of them don’t hang out anymore?

Often, you can have a quick word with your guy with the 3rd baseman just far away. Most likely, it was situational and game-planned already.

So do you build your living Ken doll cut or uncut?

I challenge the a priori that Luigi is flaccid in that pic.


They need to work on getting 6v6 to happen.

Don’t forget to blame Berkeley libs and East Coast elites when your trucks don’t sell.

Contact Détroit pis donne-lui de la bullshit. Ned, c’est quoi échanger en anglais? Trade me right fucking now.


Are you guys brothers?

Someone tried to be Marvin Gaye.

Is it Lifehacker approved?

Where is Jia on this? I need her expert opinion.

I want to see The Root go Tony X on Olympic hockey.

The Patriots are for the children!

Boom goes the dynamite.

Khemut was pretty sad. I also felt pity for Khaliset trying to get her kid back and who had more of a redemptive arc than other members of the Order. Shadya just wrecked me though. That was by far the most horrifying scene in the whole game.

Yes and yes. Why would those things be mutually exclusive?

Are the cash considerations Bitcoins?

I bought Jade Empire for X Box years ago. I still don’t have an X Box...