Erotic Joe

What about John Harbaugh?

So grade schools and daycares?

So if I get this right, the punishment is two-fold?

A quarter watermelon
A cucumber
A block of feta cheese
a handful of mint

Cube the cucumber and watermelon
Crumble the cheese
Tear the mint
Salt and pepper

It’s the perfect summer salad.

The US didn’t root for the Dodger but he still got elected.

I hope they aren’t getting treated by the Tampa Bay Bucs’ staff.

Aryan master race, ROLL OUT!

And at 30, he’s Young.

If Pence had Colts pants as well, would that have made him a full-kit wanker?

I once met Yves Racine at a summer hockey camp. He didn’t talk much.

It might have been a blowjob:

If only Jim Webb was still available...

The Reform party was never elected because it was a splinter of the Conservative party. Once they recreated the Conservative alliance, Harper took to power.

NHL has a lot of good old country boys playing sports and getting hyped on their own genetic inclination to become self-made millionaires. There is a strong whiff of Ayn Rand behind those “Sorry,eh!” Canadian facades. You’d be surprised how conservative they really are.

No way!

Which major league will implode first and why/how? NHL, MLB, NFL, NBA?

The dogs are also pretty hyped to tell you about that script they’ve been working on.

How late is too late for a real new Phantasy Star game?

She could be the only white girl in her cell block.

So who do we send the pee tapes to now?