Yeni Sleidi

Here's some extra content for Creep Week, dug up from the pits of the internet (aka my OkC inbox):

A+. Many lols.

We'll expand really soon.

Good. Let's hope other sites do it.

Yeah, at least give us a try.

It's true! And thank you!

It will, and it will soon. Thanks!

We're not cheesy. And that decision is left up to the users. Mesh itself doesn't discriminate against anyone.

We love that we're cracking down on PUAs.

You'd receive responses from people who are OK with textspeak.

I have visited Alt. Mesh, however, is the first mainstream dating site to have those options available. It's not just for the kink community.

Hell yeah.

I think pre-beta is easy to understand.

It's best to ignore messages like that. They never get the joke and see your response as an invitation.

Hah. We don't kick anyone out for that. BUT you can change your own preferences so that no one with bad grammar makes it into your inbox. We're leaving it up the user to decide whether that's a problem or not.

Nope. We're not gonna do that.

Thanks, and we agree. We'll always be on the lookout for questionable profiles and content.

Never heard them. But they can't be as bad as "HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead."

Well. The only thing that we have in common with Transvaginal Mesh is that we're both helping women out.

There's an "explain your answer" section.