I know I am rapidly becoming an old fart but why on earth do people want to burn out expensive tires? What are the rear tires on that Mustang costing these days?
I know I am rapidly becoming an old fart but why on earth do people want to burn out expensive tires? What are the rear tires on that Mustang costing these days?
Most people who can't afford to buy a decent car live in apartment buildings that don't have any way to charge an electric car. Very few apartments are going to have any way to do this unless they're built and inhabited by wealthy people who can pay $$$$ for those extras. Most places I lived didn't even want to fix…
Even with “free” cars, there is still the problem of how to charge it. You need a garage or carport at home and money to buy and install a charger.
... which will maybe make your company re-evaluate sending you on all those flights, which is the point. I don’t know about your job, but at mine a lot of the flying people do is for purposes that could pretty easily be done over videoconferencing.
Were bicycles received differently in England vs the U.S.? Maybe we should be dropping bicycles in the Middle East instead of bombs.
It was like a dog with socks on, it rolled over to try and kick them off.
mods are asleep, post alfa content
Fuck no, it wont make me feel better about this horrifugly dickturd of a cashgrab. It means that the assholes driving this huge blob of doucheness through the cities have more power to lose control more quickly. I am and have been a car enthusiast all my life but last night, I went to Motorworld Stuttgart and I would…
One could say he took it ayn ran'd with it.
These puns are a bit Mouch.
driving home one night with my son in the back and a black charger and challenger were purposely holding up traffic so they could race, i honked at them cause my toddler needed to go to the bathroom and we needed to get home and they flipped me the bird and sat there longer. so i called the police and got so much…
This was also my first reaction to this one, beyond “dude, just buy a nice Cayenne,” as per my personal meme/standom. I get that it’s a job to keep your jet clientele happy, but it doesn’t seem to extend out to what you return to in the parking lot.
I never understood the need to keep up appearances when you have a job that does all the appearances for you. Who cares what car you drive? You’re licensed to pilot a motherfucking JET. Keep your cash and come up with some great retorts for the ribbing that the superficial tech bros and venture cap babies feel they…
What in the world is even middle class in America anymore? I feel like to have a comfortable middle class life and not live in the boonies, you need to be making 200k+ household... And to truly afford a 50k car, you need to be making 200k. Your house shouldn’t be more than 3 times your yearly income and your cars…
Let's just call it what it is: a car mortgage.
I always figured this was coming. if you pay someone to do a task eventually someone is going to realize that person is your employee and having employees is very expensive. Their business model was always hey what if we only pay some of the expenses necessary to operate a business, sure that gives you a competitive…
I applaud your honesty. If that turning vehicle in front of you had stopped, then your car may have mitigated or avoided an accident.
You shouldn’t be in the passing lane with ACC in moderate traffic. 5 car lengths at 50mph is less than 1 second of separation, which is not really enough, but it's even worse that the car brakes and contributes to congestion.
I love driving my car, but very much miss living in Seoul where I could convenient get anywhere while leaving it in the garage and really wish I could do so in LA.