Cat ass trophy

Lotus Evora 400

the solution to keep payments down is simple...get a cheaper car.

I would argue that those stopping at a yellow are the ones most responsible for traffic accidents.

The problem is illegally entering on the red. If you stop on the yellow you cannot enter on red. If you don’t you are gambling; though how most justify it is assuming that cross traffic can’t enter on the green, even if the thru driver does enter on red. Which is not always true.

Maybe we should increase penalties on that “2 ton vehicle” (or rather the inattentive driver) to the point that they start taking the rules of the road seriously?

He’s got a fucking red light! You can see the cross-traffic has the green right there in the picture.

I’d like to see cities return to the early 20th century. Make pedestrians first-class citizens on the streets downtown, take away stoplights, and then practically speaking cars can’t go more than a few miles/hour.

I’ve had my truck for over a decade now, and I’ll be keeping it indefinitely because new trucks now are ridiculous.

Wait, who’s the victim again? Is it the mom who drives a truck she can’t afford or is it the kid who’s forced to be carted around in a two ton truck with racing slicks.

- Has a $30-40k truck.

Straight Outta Craigslist?

Note to self, never trust Russian-to-English translators...

I see the exact same thing. I make a decent 6 figure income yet still drive an old truck I’ve had for 20+ years. Yet on a daily basis I’ll see some construction guy driving to work in an $80,000, fully lifted bro-dozer. I assume they are up to their eyeballs in debt.

That’s “Holy Grail” SkyActiv-X to you, pal.

So you had to live barebones simply to buy a low $20k car, but you don’t think that’s indicative of a greater problem in this country?

Which is why he should be able to pass the test without issue, and maintain his license to drive a 4000 pound potential accidental death lawsuit on wheels.

Unfortunately the data supports the concept of driving competency and reaction times for those over 80.  However it also supports additional testing for those 29 and under.  The bigger issue is the lack of adjunct testing beyond initially getting one's license. 

No longer will he be able to feel the freedom of driving from the front seat, wind blowing through his eyebrows.

To be fair, I did say “civilized countries” 

Thank goodness! The speed bumps on the back way behind the Whole Foods to get to the Starbucks’ drive through are a real bitch.