Cat ass trophy

Driver distraction is not the same as driving faster than you can see, and driving like an asshole on public roads.


Good plan, good luck. Feels good to get rid of some shit and get that mind space back by focussing on fewer things.

A buddy of mine hired a van to move house and in the absence of any obvious sign it took diesel (nothing on the dash, the key, or the gas cap) he put in petrol. Of course it took diesel. The rental company blamed him and wanted £700 to deal with it (about $1k US).

Two-way radios are pretty handy if you’re road tripping in multiple vehicles. We used to use a set on ski trips when I was younger - good for coordinated overtaking in limited visibility at night.

I think Schwalbe make colored tires in some models, but have stated publically that the plain black ones last longer.

When I was a child one of my “toys” was the coil from one of my grandfather’s old car engines, and a spare car battery. I liked the blue arcing electricity at the business end, though I did accidentally shock myself numerous times. If that didn’t stop my 8 year old heart, an adult is probably fine.

The A4 is the small one, the A6 is the big one, the A8 is the one where you sit in the back.

What, he doesn’t blast the horn and tell them about the trail of destruction in their wake? Or call the cops? Someone else’s problem eh.

No hugging. No learning.

Anyway, I’m surprised the existing V12 builders aren’t being transferred to the new plant.

If it has better fuel economy than the Subaru engines that would be a great start.

What’s with all the Cayman references in the trim? Copy/paste?

I don’t even know what a 3-blink turn signal is.

I’m confused. When would a short three-blink sequence be more useful than normal indication? Indicate, look, move. Not indicate&move.

My heart beat a little faster. What’s coming up behind that pillar?!

How does anyone sane think this is a fun idea and not plain old indiscriminate murder?

Looks heavily processed if not completely CGI. If it’s even remotely real it’s probably someone’s driveway or other private road.

“You need all three!”

Looks like it should have a lift-back.. which would be excellent.