
Commerce...vendors...government...sounds like the end of "no sales tax" on out-of-state online transactions, to me. Even if the vendor doesn't collect the tax, I'm sure I'll receive some sort of notification from my home state as to the sales taxes I owe them. They already ask about this on my personal return every

@garfnodie: Yes, but if you weave fabric out of organically grown hemp for a living, you probably don't have that problem.

@BadJoJo: Not only that, but NOW, there are two of you. :-)

I'd be willing to bet that this photo was taken from the ramp of a C-130 or something similar...a lot of great aviation photos are done that way.

At first glance, I thought the Dyson was a tonearm for a turntable. Is my age showing?

@ccc40821: :-) I try to be constructive about it. It might not matter all that much here but, as many of us already know, decent grammar and spelling are important in the real world. The most common errors I see are misplaced apostrophes and the ever popular "could of, should of and would of", instead of

@silverserver: "Nazis"'s plural, not possessive.

@technologiq: They're driving on the wrong side of the road, then. Just sayin'.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Ditto...Do you know the difference between a lawyer and a carp? One's a scum-sucking bottom feeder. The other's just a fish.

@The Mechanics Of Road Beef: Before they were sold to Vanity Fair, they were sold to Tultex Corp., headquartered in my hometown, sometime in the mid-90s or so. We used to be able to go to the Tultex outlet here in town and buy NF all day long for next to nothing. I think VF bought them when Tultex went bankrupt in

@ChubbsMcGee: This guy is an absolute douchebag. You'd think he was one of the "Alive" soccer players or something, the way he's talking.

@runplaysleeprun: No, but they just killed Facebook. It's disappeared. Completely. So now we can't build our UAVs together on FB chat. Dammit...

"... the silence from ground control will resonate inside me forever." You and me, both, and me both.

@Seven06Renault: Those numbers represent an estimate of the number people that would die of fallout, outside of the blast radius. So, those killed by incineration or falling debris aren't included in those numbers.

@Standish: Ditto...I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but I've watched this twice, now. Simply amazing.