TBBFW - Toasty Butt but Frigid Weather
TBBFW - Toasty Butt but Frigid Weather
I just want to say I had a 1st year 2016 manual F-Type, and because something went quite awry w/ my engine, they bought me a final production year 2019 manual F-Type. My engine issue doesn’t play well with the historic jokes that Jaguar has had to endure. These engines seem bulletproof, and mine was a wild outlier. I…
Oooooh this is very smart. The F-Type did this in year 2, I think. Introduced 2014, manual on the 2016, discontinued 2020 w/ <4% take rate. BOoooooo. But man, you’re right. They’ve got to be in business before playing to niche. And this is the inception of niche: people who like driving, people who can actually drive…
2016-2019MY Jaguar F-Type 6cyl 340/380hp and have a manual. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. 2020MY discontinued it b/c the take rate. No 8cyl manual as it chewed up the gears at 550hp. We all talk manual, but apparently rarely do people buy them? I don’t get it. But you can pick them up, used, easily…
I’m certainly not those people. Thankfully. But I am all for injecting complexity as nuance to the conversation. The Economist did do this report on EV’s fed off coal grids being the worst offenders, and am genuinely asking if there’s been updated reporting or studies?
It’s more complex still, as the Economist noted late 2014.... it’s what kind of grid is powering your car, and outside of places like California’s renewables, a coal grid powering an EV produces more pollution. Sucks, we’re just trying to do the right thing that helps the planet, but it’s always more complex than…
I don’t comment much, but honestly you guys could do a “apps behaving badly” roundup each month.
Massive hugs for giving me a little Mitch, this evening. If anyone isn’t sure whether they know Mitch Hedburg, he was a gentle and kind comedian that was brilliant and tortured by addiction, and left us too soon. 85% of his career is lucid and genius. Search him out.
Just throw a tablet in the console. It looks cool right?
I was born in Carmel, and worked in the area for years in hospitality. I cannot tell you how deeply this seeps into your genetic code. It’s beyond words, and I will stop there. The idea Quail got this is absurd, by the way. No disrespect, but man.... it’s just unbelievable. Wow.
I knew a guy my first year in college who swore up and down that if a police officer tried to pull you over, and you got home into your driveway or garage, you were “safe”. I am belly laughing at this, again, right now.