
The study design of the article to which you link is entirely framed around the fallout from the 3/11 accident, alone. It was accepted by PNAS in Dec. 2012, before TEPCO's "revelations" (love that word) of the groundwater flow (a few leaks spring 2013; press attention July 2013).

Re: Dilution. Interestingly, hydraulics and traffic follow similar flow rules, so by way of an analogy….Let's say they lined up several million cars in NJ and said, we're gonna send them through the Holland Tunnel, but hey, not to worry, the US is a big place! They'll spread out and there will be plenty of room! Well,

Michael, can you refer me to a neutral expert on marine biota uptake of radionuclides? The Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries found Strontium 90 accumulating in the shells of macroinvertebrates from Sellafield.

…and I hear nothing about the proposed "ice wall" to divert groundwater around the site, at least minimizing it, maybe. As bad as is the tank "storage crunch", resulting from non-functioning ALPS treatment systems; plus the tank leaks (de minimus in the scheme of things); plus the Reactor 4 fuel rods - all these pale

Well Mike, I agree, there's a lot of hysterical nonsense from the left. But all I hear from the right is "no problem you sillies! It will dilute!" Non-stop groundwater, estimated at 400 tons/day from the ever-trustworthy TEPCO, is flowing through destroyed reactors and picking up an unknown mix of contamination and