
If he’s so dumb, how does he keep outplaying all you idiots and the DNC?

Yeah, how about you just fuck right off with that nonsense.

The real bullshit is that a grown man in his 30s would get PTSD from having his crotch grabbed by another man.

LMAO. GTFO with that bullshit

if you crossed into US illegally, you are a criminal. your dad was right. god bless him.

why are they crossing the border to illegally to use our hospitals instead of going to their own mexican hospitals? who is paying for her hospital fees in US?

yeah, a nation enforcing its borders like every other nation on earth is “crimes against humanity”

Illegal who is breaking our law and mooching our resources.

This is terrible.

“We cant prove what he did with his car was illegal, but we’ll just throw that pedophile part in at the end anyway even though it has no relation to the story”

Sorry that your semi-legal drug smuggling mule of a “girlfriend” is having a much harder time violating our laws now.

So she is here breaking our laws and mooching our health care?

Deport now.

Has nothing to do with men. A power imbalance affects everyone, regardless of gender. Women in power sexually harass as well.

“Americans” should work just fine.

Stop enabling criminals

Guy gets pulled over because he’s speeding and running stop signs. Refuses to comply with officers to get out of the car to be patted down, starts resisting them and then tries to drive away

You haven’t seen the wall yet, but you will.

LMAO, you haven’t seen a real wall yet. But you will.

Is this the new martyr? A woman who hits 2 cars, attempts to escape and runs over a cop?

Her photo will look great in the Mike Brown Hall of Fame

That video evidence has been posted twice in this thread alone

Is that the same guy whom video evidence showed following some protesters for several minutes, heckling them, yelling slurs at them, and then ultimately separating one protester from his group so that they could attack him en masse, only to have the protester’s friends rush back and beat the shit out of poor ole