
i’m an ally, friend.

why is this news

And blacks complain about being unable to get ahead.

Must be why public assistance dollars are so disproportionately spent on blacks then.

lol, no one needs her

Yeah, quarterbacks definitely have little to do with team success. Which is why teams spend insane amounts of money to pay even the mediocre ones compared to other positions.

Why don’t you go to take a knee on the freeway?

1. in 2012 Steelers gave MVP title to a tight end who caught 8 TD passes. I ean if thats what you want to base your argument on that’s cool - I know that arbitrary trophies is the sole refuge of those when comparing the stat lines and accomplishments of BR vs. CK

2. LMAO - are you talking about this bullshit? https://ww

1. Quarterbacks always win the MVP awards

LOL, Roethlisburger had a better statline than Kaepernick last year by a mile - GTFO of here with your racebaiting shit. No one wants your locker room cancer and almost every team in NFL would trip over a chance to sign Ben as a starter in 2017 (I dont see anyone lining up for CK). One bad game by Ben doesnt change

Oh shut the fuck up.

Sounds like the reason they wanted to cut him was that they were bringing in a new offense and he didn’t fit into the scheme.

Hmm, you’d prefer a locker room cancer who would divide the team and who hasnt won anything with a decreasing stat line over a tried and proven super bowl winner?


Sounds like Jason Johnson wants us to believe that any kind of criticism of a black candidate is racism. Tired old race card play, Trump’s election should be cluing him in that his cheap race parlor tricks dont work anymore.

How can you possibly see improvement by signing a locker room cancer that divides the team?

“Kept him”

They didnt cut him, he quit the team. He thought he was too good for the rest of his $124 million contract.

Sure there is. Jay is not a locker room cancer like Colin

Dance for nickels, Colin.

BLM is political peacocking. Not even a real issue.

Oh is he backpedaling already?

LMAO, Ben won multiple super bowls. CK hasnt won shit.