
Yeah, all the dudes with beards were hard enough to tell apart; throwing in two that are actually the same guy is just rude.

You mean a story about Hillary Clinton that was made to sound really salacious turned out to be pretty mundane upon further investigation? That's just so shocking.

I feel like Negan's stance on rape is the same as Negan's stance on most things. He does whatever he likes and then intermittently punishes people for doing the same things.

Personally, I'm mad at him. I volunteered for this man's campaign for months and not once did he mention that his uncle was John Kander. Too busy talking about ending corruption, protecting voting rights, and relieving the economic strain on the middle class.

This is just not true. You should never punch a Nazi with an improperly formed fist, since you might do unnecessary damage to your hand and, even worse, do less than optimal damage to the Nazi. Also, if you don't have proper gloves on when you punch a Nazi in the mouth, you could get an infection or something. If

At the very least, he could have gone back and edited the grammar. My personal favorite bit was when he referred to "myself, Casey, Affleck and Wesleyan." Dude has no idea how commas work.

Yeah, considering we got a Yellow Wallpaper reference, I could definitely see Polly as having been driven crazy by her parents' choice of treatment.

Personally, I feel like they should stick with the Grim Reaper costume and just find a better way to mic whoever's in it (was it Kyle Mooney?). As far as I'm concerned, a celebrity impersonation, even a particularly biting one, is far nicer than Steve Bannon Deserves.

I've often gotten the impression that Casey just understands what they're looking for in confessionals better than a lot of the other contestants. In every season she's been on, I've noticed that, if they needed to use a confessional for a bit of exposition, they almost always use hers. I don't know if it's because

Yeah, I feel like Sudden Death Quickfires (much like immunity) should be done with once we've gotten past Restaurant Wars. It's just a cheap way to add drama, and I don't think it even does that particularly well.

Correction: a racist, dangerously ignorant, /failed/ steak salesman.

I don't know the exact number, but it's definitely more than three. I remember, in season 5, it was a big deal that Carla didn't go home on her birthday, because four other chefs had been eliminated on or really close to theirs. I know it's been mentioned in other seasons, though I don't think it was ever that bad

Like many of the greatest moments in the Arrowverse, that was completely unnecessary and completely awesome.

While I agree with you (I seriously hate the notion that characters have to prove their bisexuality by keeping an even tally of men and women in their romantic interactions), I think the problem, for me, is that she said it as a way to dismiss the idea that she'd ever be interested in Oliver. Personally, I thought it

Yeah, I thought a lot of the reactions in that scene felt contrived for plot purposes. Sara's was probably the worst, for me, from a writing perspective. On top of the fact that she's mischaracterizing her own recent actions, there's also the fact that, with the Legends, Sara's been pretty consistently cool with

Also notable: being a Green Martian would be pretty important to him, considering he is the only one in existence right now. His turning into a White Martian would be completing the genocide of his people. So, yeah, I think he gets to call that "poison."

Yeah, Nate kind of rubbed me the wrong way this episode. Like, really? He doesn't like being the guy on the team who researches history for them? He is literally a historian; that's like 90% of his job.

Yeah, I think one of the main things that makes Sara work so well as team leader is the fact that she's always more focused on fixing problems than getting mad at everyone for causing them. The fact that her solutions sometimes involve a whip is really just a bonus.

I think one of the best things about this season has been how little we've seen of that costume. I don't think it's even shown up since the first episode.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my dog could out-scheme the current crop of Lannisters.