Social Justice LARPING: Turns out its a thing....
Social Justice LARPING: Turns out its a thing....
If his name really was “Bruce Vayne” it would be simultaneously brilliant and stupid.
This is also not a pipe.
Mr House seemed to be hooked up to a full body life support system that was completely sterile. He was not frozen. You could even pop him out of the chamber.
So is the protagonist still going to be customizable?
Plenty of explosions but where were the mansplosions?
Vee is a violent person but she also is (or was depending on how alive she is after getting vanned) good at getting other people to commit violence for her. She even had a cop on her payroll for a while. Maybe she was only officially convicted of trafficking.
Lighting a fart on fire or drinking cooking sherry is an “immature judgement”. Molesting 5 children (some of whom are your siblings) goes waaaaaaaay beyond that.
Did the show ever say what exactly she was charged with? I mean they showed a lot flashbacks of her orphan drug ring and she did do time in the past back when Red was first incarcerated. I don’t remember any line of dialogue talking about what she caught for or how it went down.
That’s some weapons grade stupid right there....
(parody) advertisements with “fuck you” always remind me of South Park’s “You’re getting old”.
Supposedly, this was a “road rage” incident with a person Zimmerman had an encounter with previously. Its almost like this guy is irresponsible, prone to rage, and danger to people around him. Who would have thought? I mean he only picked a fight with a teenager and shot him when he lost.
“It’s not a bug; it’s a feature”
The atmosphere and the tension were amazing. Some of the cinematography was awesome (the payphone used to convince a convict to commit suicide in particular) The final payoff was a little lacking. The women characters were not written particularly well either. I really liked it though.
What’s the matter? U NO LIEK DRONEZZZZZ, BRAH?
Two things I saw in the trailer:
So the baby is half alien?