
oh my god, shut up.

Should you issue an apology if you’re not sorry?

no one cares

I know you take any chance you get to hate Notre Dame, but you’re wrong Drew. The student body is full of Rudy wannabes and the walk-on program is already really strong thanks to Rudy affect. Notre Dame is also the only non-military school to play full contact intramural football giving this new replacement team an

Their demo is college kids so no, you’re not in their wheelhouse. It’s fine for what it is (which is shitty preteen humor like you noted).

First of all, I never said I felt marginalized. But to your point, I don’t need to clean “my house” in order to not feel marginalized because swastikas aren’t a part of my house. What I need is for stupid people like you to realize there are more than 2 sides.

I didn’t say there’s NO difference. I was saying they are more similar than the Lin situation. Jemele and Curt both used hyperbole in a personal statement rather than a racial slur in a published work.

It’s interesting to me that you you think the country has moved “so far to the right” based on a number of true examples that I’m not trying to refute. But people on the right think the country has moved so far to the left based on a number of true examples (legalized gay marriage, legalization/relaxation of

Headline is incorrect; he’s just being aggressive-aggressive.

Your reading comprehension is awful.

Don’t forget a large portion of “fans” only watch the games and consume related content for fantasy/betting purposes. I don’t know very many people who actually give a shit which NFL teams win or lose.

Luc Longley

She’s not wrong. I stopped watching as much Sportscenter and ESPN in general because I want to see highlights and analysis of out of market games and get tired of hearing the same “stories” taking up 80% of the programming with no new developments.

This is my favourite blog on deadspin..

Because it’s a dragon.

Did it work? Did they win? I guess I have to go to ESPN for the score now.

They aren’t mutually exclusive.

TL;DR - winning should be a means to an end, not the end in and of itself.

Who cares?

I hope Trump stops inviting teams to the White House. It’s a stupid tradition.