Gaudra McDonald


I've never seen 2g1c I never plan on it

dear god don't do this to me, 2016.


I'm bitter about most of the choices that DnD made but Dorne story line was the worst for me. Like, how could you get literally everything wrong?

The Martells (specifically Arienne, who was cut out of the show) wanted to but Myrcella on the Iron Throne, not kill her. As far as I know, she's still alive in the books (I never finished ADWD).

wow that's…really dumb and a complete bastardization of the actual Dorne plot

Ok I haven't watched since season 2 but can someone please explain to me why Myrcella was killed? Like I've asked 3 different people and I'm still confused

this show is so wonderful and painful. I'm def going to give it a re-watch

Ok but why does Luthor want to kill Superman? What are his plans? Doesn't the fact that all of those checks w/ those messages imply that he knows who Bruce is? And also, doesn't he leave all of those branding pictures on Clark's desk?

I just got back from seeing it and the worst thing about it was its length. It was incredibly bloated and it dragged in so many places. Luthor's motivations made little to no sense (if he knew both their identities, wouldn't the smarter thing to do is expose them, get them sent away, and then do whatever the hell he

I now ship Rebecca/Valencia, I guess

Style and Wildest Dreams are the best songs on 1989

E MO TION was the best pop album of 2015 imo. I'm glad that she's releasing a video for 'Boy Problems' but I wish it was for 'Gimme Love' instead.

lmao really?! I gave up on Inuyasha

Yes!! It's so great that they both love and respect each other. When Arakawa confirmed that they had a relationship I was like :'D. I'm so glad that they didn't fall into the same pit that Miroku/Sango fell into.

I'm glad that I'm not the only person who hates the shit out of Jessa. My fave ship is probably Roy/Riza from FMA. Also Ichabod/Abbie, Glenn/Maggie, Flint/The Hamiltons and Korrasami (I was late to the party but they are sweet together) .

lmao this has got to be one the messiest album releases in recent memory

Its really great!

This album is so good!!! I'm glad that Rihanna finally decided to break out and do something new for her.