
Was SO good! The perfect pre-birthday meal! Hahahaha.


Low expectations means you’ll never be disappointed...

You’re welcome! It’s not even the colors so much as the length and the curls. I’m jelllyyyyyyy.

OMG. Your hair is beauuuuutifuullllll!

You should definitely repeat it here. No sarcasm.

She really does seem like a sweet, but lost, girl. I feel bad for her; like you said, her family is clearly super fucked, and she seems to just be working with what she knows. Homeboy definitely exploited a sensitive situation.

I know you’re not, and that’s why I spoke up about it. I lurked here for a long time before I started; I know what you’re about. I mean, as much as you can ever know what an internet stranger is about.

Ohhh, that’s too bad. I don’t even know who he is really, just some skeevy old rich dude who married an underage (?) girl.

Be my dad?

But he’s loaded, right? If I were married to, and knocked up by, a super rich man, there would damn sure be someone making sure my toilets were clean enough for me to lay my puking face on all the time.

You’re right, it isn’t easy. He’s also got very specific parameters which are pretty non-negotiable, for one reason or another, and that’s hindering the search.

At least you get ‘my day was crappy’...I get a ‘fine’ or even better, a grunt. Because according to him, ‘there’s no point in talking about because it doesn’t change anything’.

Oh, my dog. It’s totally not just you. My BF is SO FUCKING CLOSED OFF, and on top of it, we’ve got home hunting woes adding to his stress right now. I am truly questioning our relationship because of it. I’m trying really hard to convince myself that once we’ve found the new house, everything will ease and be ok

As someone who wants her maiden name back, I also agree.

I got her, too! Have yet to google.

Mmmmm Charlie Hunnam. Yes please and thank you.

Gaaaaaaahh, I get four seconds of video, then it stops and takes 30 to reload. Every time. I wanna seeeeeeeeeeee!!

I really...I just.....dammit, I FUCKING LOVE HER!

Burn it down and do it smart. Get that insurance $.