Or will we remember this as the day Government's had a reason to limit our Internet freedoms.
Or will we remember this as the day Government's had a reason to limit our Internet freedoms.
Hopefully it is better than the UK equivalent. Diggerland (never been myself but have heard interesting reviews of it)
No mention of the use of of IBM punch cards by the third reich. Ah well. Happy Birthday Big Blue!
Ah this image is no longer funny!
I hope Apple doesn't try and patent walking. Loving the "weights" mugs though.
From a distance it looks like a disassembled personality sphere from Portal. Which is probably intentional on Valve's part as it is Aperture Laboratories...
I enjoy using this one on my computer (in browser) [cl.ly]
This is a great idea! I always thought that normal age verification is a bit redundant as anybody with half a brain stem knows that you just need to give a date of birth at least 18 years ago (for UK sites). I genuinely think this is more effective.
I Can Talk by the Two Door Cinema Club
I wonder if they'll do this for .ac.uk (UK university suffix) addresses in the UK. Because if so I need to find a relative/friend who's in the market for a high end PC. At the moment I'm content with my Mac but would love a free XBox 360.
Although I'm pretty sure AGAs' main characteristic was always being on (which I didn't think was necessarily safe or cost efficient) I do think this is a step in the right direction. Especially as they have retained the original AGA's charm.
I guess. I'm guessing if you are a well known "veteran" commenter you may have a better chance of survival. I remember when even mentioning some stupid memes would get you banned. I'm still scared to post the words. One was to do with a devices ability to play a certain game. And one was to how an object would cope in…
My old school did this a few years back and caused quite a stir. They made their Facebook page a hub for notifications and expected all students to join (some didn't even have FB). Teachers then posted work on the discussion boards. However, it caused such a stir that it wasn't repeated.
I would like to have seen them send a bat into space in honour of spacebat
Thanks. it makes me question why has anyone made a 300+ppi screen.
Yeah, I understood that as a smartphone is held far closer to your eyes, high res would be more noticeable, I was just wondering at what point do we reach the maximum that is needed for humans.
I'm curious as to what Pixels per inch ratio does it make no difference for humans when holding the screen at a normal distance away. I remember reading an article on Gizmodo when HDTVs were the new thing and people were confused about 720p, 1080i, 1080p, blurays and hddvds, that said at normal TV viewing distance you…
For those worried about the multitude of rules I feel they can be summarised into: not being rude, being understanding and being fair+reasonable.