
She was 16. Kids don’t make adult decisions which is why they arent allowed to vote, drink etc. The question isn’t why shouldn’t the police blaze away whenever they detect a potential threat. The question is was it really necessary for them to do so in this case? Yes the car rammed their car but that doesn’t mean

Fuck off.


Black and Latinx children get suspended and expelled from preschool and kindergarten for behaving like five-year-olds. These kids need to be expelled. It’s terrorism and impacting the learning of everyone on campus.

No worries! Racism will be outta here as soon as the old people die. The younger generation doesn’t see color.

Racism in school or, it’s Friday in NC.

AGREED. Same as women can still be misogynist.

“Can’t someone just close that casket of Emmett? Children shouldn’t have to see all of that.”

No. One. Is. Still. Talking. About. The. Election. Except. “President” Trump.

I swear I wake up every morning waiting for the final domino to fall in this atrocious presidency. Then I call my senators (who don’t answer of course) sign 25 petitions that feel totally futile, and refresh my web pages incessantly until it’s time to drink myself into a stupor, fall asleep and do it all again the

If she drowned, why the duct tape and chloroform?

Cleared up a lot for me, too. Sure, the baby is crying, what parent wouldn’t resort to chloroform and duct tape? Most natural thing in the world.

“There was a possibility that she may have utilized that to keep the baby quiet ... and just used too much of it, and the baby died,” he said. “That’s just one of the many theories as to how this beautiful young lady [Caylee] tragically met her death.”..

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

I’d pay good money for Gordon Ramsey to revived Kitchen Nightmares and feature 2Chains restaurant.

“Denied access” is a joke, really, only slightly less of a joke than Spicer’s briefings have been. Being denied the ability to ask questions he won’t answer isn’t a big deal.

He was acting as a “witness,” protecting the interests of the trog with the gun. And if the boy had been ‘accidentally’ shot he would have sworn on a stack of bibles that the kid had it coming.

Cops have control issues - which is why they always have to control their surroundings.