
This is not a way to “hold the department and officers accountable.” Is it coming out of their paychecks? They’re jus gonna keep talking about these million dollar settlements so black ppl can be like “we won, at least something got done.” Dont believe it, a million dollars is not worth any black persons life and its

Hope I understand your position. I would say sometimes ppl do things without realizing it (without intent) but they are still acting deliberately. Say some ppl are in a group working on a project, one person is jotting down important points and there is only 1 black person in the group. The person jotting is white,

Basically nothing because 99.9% of the time nothing does happen. Most black ppl need the income and dont raise issues because they need to keep their jobs, and dont have the means to file a suit.

I dont understand, if they’ve closed so many cases...what do those missing teens who’ve been found have to say? That’s an important part of this story thats missing. It’s a given that not all of them were runaways so what are the teens accounts of what happened? The story says human trafficking could be the cause, but

Black fam, please think seriously about homeschooling your children or some other alternative (if possible, I know it’s not a luxury most of us can entertain). Perhaps even supplement what they are learning in school once a week to deprogram some of the brainwashing and inferiority being instilled in your child. It

Dear Latinx and anyone who remotely resembles middle eastern descent, welcome to being black.

I think its because they don’t believe it was so terrible.

Hmm. He couldve done the lesson without singling out a black person and literally treating him like an enslaved person.

As much as America insists on sugar coating slavery, in about 75 years id be surprised if it’s not just referred to as a migration. They’re slowly building that narrative, and the farther we get from it, the easier it is for them to replace the facts with something easier to swallow. It’ll jus be one line in the

Future leaders of America.

Not understanding this idea that black ppl can’t come up with things that are racist towards black ppl. It’s not a new. Think sheriff clark or that black woman from clueless, rappers who disparage black women.

Use this as evidence white ppl are still passing down racism to their children. Ppl think cuz these little shits were born in the 00's theyre post-racism. Nope, their parents want them to enjoy being “superior” too.

Lol its hard to tell on here because there are ppl who would post that in dead seriousness.

I dont believe the person painted over it for aesthetic reasons. It might have been a sort of slap in the face because the couple refused. It might be someone who heard about the story and didn’t agree with them pursuing an investigation. It couldve been the same person who vandalized it initially.

He should be competing with males, hes a male. Yes it’s not his fault.

Link source?

Oh ok now that white ppl are targeted something needs to be done.

Just a white cop being a white cop on video. This is why non-white parents don’t want their children getting the impression cops are friends of the community and here to help. Stay your Black and brown asses away from them. They do not care if it is a child. If their authority is challenged by a non white person that

Don’t respond to ppl like that. Looking at black letter law as a way to say “everything’s fair” is an intellectually dishonest and irrelevant point. Who cares what is “illegal” when it doesn’t reflect reality. You were correct about black jurors; they are purposely removed because they are black.

Stop saying “we.” Just stop.