Yea, I have a 2010 MBP aswell, and was wondering if it was worth the upgrade, RAM, SSD, and to Mavericks
Yea, I have a 2010 MBP aswell, and was wondering if it was worth the upgrade, RAM, SSD, and to Mavericks
That sounds like a corny ad that people still believe. You CANNOT download more RAM. You can create a Swap partition however but that requires somewhat of a beefier CPU
Will do, if it turns out O.K.
Yea Science!
Also The cats would make everything smell, ugh.
Its safe to delete, the C++ Directory is for Developers to compile their work.
Its safe to delete, the C++ Directory is for Developers to compile their work.
Redbull and Vodka can cure anything.
I want to put a raspberry pi inside the n64 or SNES controller, Portable plug and play gaming unit/computer.
Yea the ventilation seems good enough, and the shed is a great idea as I had a slight issue with my system a few months ago, something went wrong in the batteries and it began to release hydrogen, and long story short, there was almost a small fire (caught it early) . As for inverters, it took a while before I found…
Um well if where you plugged the jumpers was to the case of the phone, and that case was a conductive material ie, Aluminum (I think the iPhone 5/s has this) it will short the battery causing it to heat up and eventually melt. If you plug in your phone directly to the USB port via the proper connectors, the cable…
one minute, twenty four seconds at a depth of 10 feet, lots of practice and it works, Also Asthma helps in a weird sorta way, you get used to holding your breath for extended periods of time. Also A word of advice for anyone trying to get better times, relax under water and have a friend there to verify times and…
I, and anyone with a bare minimum of electrical experience would not recommend plugging in your iphone directly into a 12v car battery.
In OSX 10.6.8 they are transparent (or at least translucent/slightly reflective)
Don't forget solar panels for the Blender!
I know how that is, frequent power outages are common here too, I have a fairly redundant system for power, at least a few days of juice to keep going. Gotta love deep cycle batteries and PV!
I'm not sure about snow(It doesn't snow where I live), however for general disasters I am fairly well prepared, at least electrically wise. I have a battery bank that can power most of all appliances and electronics (TV/Freezer/PC/Water Pump) for about 5 Hours, maximum demand, however I have clocked around 10 hours…
Breaking Bad status right there, except the energy bars with blue meth and the water with Red Phosphorus/methelmine
heck yea! the more juice the better, as long as the batteries are good, sounds like an amazing buy.
sound cool, however with the hydrogen fuel cells, be sure to keep them well ventilated as it is generally not a good practice to keep hydrogen in sealed chamber, Might I suggest Wind/Solar/Diesel Generator +12volt Deep Cycle Marine Battery (car batteries work just not as well/long)+Inverter= 120VAC @60Hz that can be…